How to enrol?

You received an invitation for enrollment with (usually) an enrollment key for a course. You have to open an account and enrol in the course. Follow the instruction: 

{mlang NL}{mlang}{mlang EN}{mlang}

{mlang en}Go Back{mlang}{mlang nl}Ga Terug{mlang}

@@Cloud-id@@,@@Keywords NL@@,@@Keywords UK@@

Ik krijg een cookie foutmelding

Cookie error

Zet (als je weet hoe) je cookie instellingen goed.  Zo niet: neem contact op en deel welke browser en device je gebruikt. Werk ondertussen door met een andere browser zoals Firefox of Opera.


I didn't receive the confirmation email on account opening

Check your spam. Check whether you are checking the correct email box.

If not solved: Get in contact.

My enrollment key is not working

Check whether you typed in the correct key. Get in contact with the person who delivered you the key. If not solved: Get in contact.

I have forgotten my password

See the login screen for a reset.

If not solved: Get in contact.

I do not see my course anymore

You might have unenrolled yourself in the course: Get in contact.

Or you opened an account with a different email address. Login with the correct account. Ask for merging or deleting an account by raising a Student Problem Ticket.

Your question is not listed or urgent?

Get in contact.